Synergy: Unification of The Rainbow Tribe



Happy Now Year 2017!

I wish to share with you a message I received today at 3:45 from MotherFatherEarth in that incredible booming loving voice that usually fries me…it did Lol!

As always take what you need and leave the rest.

The message:


My understanding of the message:

Everything starts at energetic level first before it can physically manifest.

The completion energies of 2016,(9), have assisted the forerunners to fully release their individual karmic experiences of 3d and 4d, exiting from said matrixes.

They have fully anchored ENERGETIC bridges between all dimensions.

This  makes ascension accessible to ALL of our brothers and sisters irregardless of individual dna genetic manipulation, as all bloodlines have been cleared  by the forerunners as they each activated their individual dna.

This in turn clears dna at galactic level as well.

We contracted to be born into families whose genetic signature had been corrupted to the point that their whole bloodline could not ascend.

We took on the whole familial karma bloodline to clear.We interfered with those that interfered…hehehehe….

No one is ever left behind of course, since we are all connected. Through our dna as well.

This has made things difficult for the forerunners at higher levels of individual ascension, as they have been on a holding pattern in the void,getting beat to a pulp, holding their stair step space, awaiting for the rest of the forerunner soul group to all fully activate and unify by clearing all their karmic contracts.

This is so a unified quantum jump could be achieved into the higher dimensions as a soul group, completely releasing from the 3d and 4d matrix and collapsing personal descension timelines.

This energetic “punch”, sort to speak, of such collective energy withdrawal, is so massive when done all at once,  it is the “nail in the coffin” of the old earth.

The entire soul group that are the Forerunners had to awaken and activate so that a unified quantum jump into 5d and above could occur in this completion year of 2016 and collapse all descension matrices of Old Earth.

Now, each forerunner has anchored at their highest possible individual frequency into the new grids of New Earth.

And so it continues as ascension out of this next grid becomes the next era for the earth.

The Energies of 2017, (10) bring forth Source(0) and Creation(1) Energies to assist and anchor the New Earth Reality, Heaven on Earth.

Just like a new born, the forerunners are in the process of adjusting to their new multidimensional vision in their “Heaven.”

Once third eye clarity is reached in the new individual’s chakra system, the new world can be “seen”.

Practice by looking to the skies, they “show” you in which dimension you find yourself. FEEL Truth in your Heart. FEEL the NEW.

Discernment is Key.

All things must come to an end.

So the NEW can take its place.

Now the next step in the ascension process begins.

Humanity begins to awaken.

May All Unfold for the Highest Good of All In Love.

And So It Is.

May 2017 Be Amazing for you! For All of Us.

And THANK YOU for always supporting me, it is amazing how much I feel you in my Heart.

In Love, Light and Joyful Service I send my love to All.❤😘🎇


The Final Release-December 2016



The incredible anchoring of this Christmas/Solstice/Moon/2016 Completion Source Energies -(plus others I have no idea WHAT they are lol) into the new sacred geometry grids has reached such high  levels, it has truly amazed gridworkers and our assisting Light Families.

***(I am scattered in the winds of change and I am so happy to be able to write something down to share with you guys without also blowing up my computer, please bear with me if I am all over the place…but, well..I am. lol!)***

I was called in service to be in Sedona, Arizona, with many others, to anchor into the Sedona Vortex the highest possible Source Energies at the Blessed 11/11 Portal.

It was at the 11:11 time anchoring that THE Message came through from a unified MotherFatherEarth:


It was so loud it echoed through every fiber of my being, in the most loving  booming voice I have ever heard in my life. It reverberated through my entire system and raised my frequency so high I threw up when I came down. Didn’t care, it was beyond worth it. In that moment I understood things for which I have no words.

There is a new ascended Terra in town and the game is over.

Mother Earth has totally unified with her Divine Twin Father Cosmos. Their Message as a unified awakened Planetary Soul is clear: None will harm as we go through this planetary period of evolution and rebirth.

ALL life on the planet is completely protected by the planet itself.

No outside interference.

The Golden Planetary Shields are activated and in place.

These look like two gold wedding bands spinning around the planet, touching in the middle, enveloping us in a type of “sacred womb”. These are activated from the Heart of Gaia as she unifies with her beloved Twin Flame, preparing to give birth to the new earth. All Living souls across all realms and dimensions on this earth experience are being birthed with her at the same time, ALL are ascending into the new.

There is no stopping birth when the souls are ready to be born into a new reality and it is possible to do so. Like now.

Have you noticed how much smarter our animal companions are getting to be? almost human like…hehehehe…

We are in the planetary birth canal at this time as we prepare to collapse the last of 3/4d humanity timelines of polarity in service to self of the old 3d and 4d matrix systems.

The old systems are no longer viable as the sacred geometry of those grids has shifted, ending their energy flow, no longer sustaining any Creation upon them.

These grids have shifted because the “tone” of the Earth, (The Schumann Frequency), has changed as the consciousness of the planet has risen.

The consciousness of the planet rises as Source Energy is anchored into ALL grids of Creation. Source Love All Ways Flows through all of Creation but it intensifies when time for evolution occurs as a decension experience is no longer viable.

This Divine Process is eternal.

We assist this by opening our Hearts Fearlessly and making a commitment to consciously  support this evolutionary shift, releasing the service to self matrix and all the timelines which “fed” off of our individual energy of pain and suffering, so they can collapse.

This is why we release EVERYTHING and EVERYONE not for our highest good or the highest good of ALL. (Whether we want to or not, the “human” in us always wants to hang on to what we know…)

We chose service to others because we understand that we are all One and when we support and love another, we support and love ourselves.

There are many videos out there on how raising tone frequency affects grains of sands, causing them to form a new geometry. When the frequency increases there is chaos as the new sacred geometry aligns to the new frequency. Grains of sand jumping like cats on a hot tin roof, in chaotic form until once again settled into the new design.

( )

The transition between a lower frequency and a higher frequency, when the grains of sand are jumping all around, is where the human race is right Now.

And every time a new frequency is anchored and we begin to settle energetically, an even stronger Source Light Evolutionary Wave comes through and raises the frequency again. And the “waves” are no longer waves,but have unified into one constant flow of increasing Source Energy.

This energetic shaking, sort to speak, is what begins the mass awakening of the human race in 2017.

There is no option but to release. Evolution cannot be stopped.

Humanity is evolving into a new multidimensional race as homo sapiens becomes extinct.

When Source Energies anchor through our chakra system, any blockage in any of the chakras will become manifest so that it can be seen, released and cleared. Lower chakras clear first. Each human can only take in as much Light as their consciousness(Heart Connection) will allow.

But the Light does goes through us, Divine Acupuncture Needles, into the grids, irregardless.

So every living soul on this planet is a grid worker and assisting in the shift whether they know it or not.

We, the forerunners, are the front seat observers as  we, the human race… homo sapiens, evolves into homo…(galactic?-illuminous?)…  what is to be our next stage of physical evolution.

The  increase of Source Energy is first received by the human heart through the crown chakra, working its way through our kundalini column in our spine and grounding through our feet chakras deep into the Now Unified MotherFatherEarth.

A Pillar of Light going through us.

This is how OUR Divine Race anchors The Light into the Earth’s Grids,  (consciously or unconsciously). We humans, carry the dna of all the galactic races in the galaxy. When we clear our human dna, we clear our galactic dna and assist our starseed race to evolve as well.

Starseeds are here at this time to assist the ascension of their home worlds by assisting Earth.

Right now for the forerunners, the final release of their human illusion is being shown so that they can release the old timelines, and anchor into their highest possible energetic ascension timeline in 5d or higher. For them, the roles and programming of being human have all been cleared and they will walk in full service with no attachments to their old earth.

This allows for Full mastery and centering in their Hearts at all times in the Now to assist humanity in their awakening.

This final release of the 3d and 4 matrixes of duality activates their last remaining galactic DNA, in turn fully activating personal merkabas and all possible multidimensional tools. This will allow for the forerunners to navigate dimensions in service to others with ease and grace and with no outside interference, while fully anchored to 5d or higher and their homeworlds. Others will return to their homeworlds and no longer be “Boots on The Ground”.

There is no judgement for soul choices, it just is divinely perfect.

The Forerunner Soul Group is fully anchored and activated. All are fully prepared for the beginning of humanity’s mass awakening.


As MotherFatherEarth have said:


And so it is.


Merry Christmas my beloved family.  May Love overflow in your life and may everyday be filled with joy.

I send my Love to All.

Maria (lightlover1964)

Follow Your Heart❤Shine Your Light


***For me personally I will tell you that my last release was brutal but I am clear Now. Being able to write is a big thing, as I really have been unable to do so since selling my house and moving from SC. Shortly after the sale of the house and my moving to Florida, the Universe continued to show me people and situations that needed to be released from my life. All those that played The ILLUSION of Love but it was not real or felt in their Heart. When there are no illLOVE.usions left, that is when you finally step into your Heaven on Earth without fear.

In the higher dimensions there are no illusions of not being An Expression of The Light, LOVE.

I now see everything in my life exactly as it is, so now I can make choices based on self love as to how I will move forward into my new world.So here I am. The truth is everything I thought I knew is gone.The more I understand the less I know. Everything that I though was real was shown to me to not be. And pretty much everyone I thought really loved me, …well it appears to have been something else than love.

But…I am the happiest I have ever been because there is no delusion in my life.

I am 52 years old and feel like a baby being born into a new life with some kick*ss know how and some pretty mad skills…lol. Plus I am the  healthiest I have ever been so I can enjoy my new life. But I don’t know how I will live, where, with whom… I know nothing of my new life.

The Fear of the Unknown consumed me until I let it go and truly believed with all my heart that I am going to be ok. More than ok. But the truth was I was so beaten up by the ascension process that I just didn’t care anymore.The Universe beat me into submission lol, resistance was futile. I let go because I couldn’t hang on anymore…But THAT is part of the Divine Process too.

I understand now.  When one dies, there is always rebirth, the stepping into the new.

I died without dying.

The old human me is completely assimilated into the new galactic me. I am a hybrid of the two, what I was always born to be. I am  born into an new earth where the people around me love me and accept me for All of me. I feel them in my Heart and there is in their Heart Field no intent to harm.They feel me completely too. There is no need for words in my new world, for I feel intent before a word is spoken, and that is all I need to know. The rest are details. But… Yes, telepathy does exist. It truly is heaven, but nothing like I THOUGHT lol… and everyone who truly wishes to experience it will do so. No doubt.

We are love, for love is all there is, we just forgot.

I love you guys so much, Thank you for your constant support, you are amazing and always the wind beneath my wings! Talk with you soon lol!!! maria ❤😘***








Three Powerful Prayers for the Completion of 2016.




As we Prepare to complete this sacred embodiment year of 2016, we now constantly find ourselves in a “sea of chaos”, as global awakening begins for humanity as a whole.

All in the Heart Collective are spiritual catalysts and we trigger and get triggered by those around us, HUGELY. (understatement…lol)

I use these three prayers to navigate these chaotic times, whenever a situation PRESENTs itself.

As always Go Within. Take what resonates.Leave the rest.

We are Love, for Love is ALL there IS.

Blessings to All.


The first prayer:



This Prayer is very powerful because it takes all human thought out of the direction of the prayer, making us CLEAR CHANNELS of Source Love, like sacred acupuncture needles…

Source is Divine Intelligence, IT knows where to go for the Highest Good of ALL.❤

We really don’t need to tell it where that is… Lol!

The next two prayers go hand in hand.




These are very powerful when spoken from the Heart, and EVEN more so when said out loud.

It is a very clear message to The “Universe” of YOU standing in your Sovereign Light, consciously making choices from Your Heart, and acting in Love.

These prayers can be used all the time, for little and big things.

Ask your Light team to assist you as the energies of these consecutive portals are intensifying for ALL to assist in their karmic soul completion. Also remember you do have a “medical” team, waiting for you to ask for help if Frequency Light Upgrades,(FLU), get too severe. They cannot feel pain, so if at any time it gets too much, in whichever way, ask them to assist you.

BTW, you also have a “romance” team…just sayin”…😇

It brings our Light Teams JOY to assist and walk in service with us.

Ask to begin to communicate and understand The Language Of Light with Them.Free will planet, gotta ask.

We are doing incredibly, amazingly, divinely perfect.

Mother/Father Earth say: 


And So It Is.

Onwards and Upwards. Inwards and Out.

I send my love to All.


Follow Your Heart❤Shine Your Light

***On a personal note: I am soooooo excited! I will be in my beloved COLORADO in January 2017. The Denver/Boulder area. Email me at if you are interested in a one-on-one session, or in setting up a workshop. ***🎇