Collective Energy Report and X-Flare Symptoms

Collective Energy Report and X-Flare Symptoms-

Hi everyone, I made a video about these intense energetic timelines. The message I got is: “Time to Jump” and ”Event Horizon“.

All of us feel it.

Everything is divinely perfect.

I will post the second part of this report tomorrow and share visions I have been having. Also, I see the floor dropping out of the 3D matrix…almost like the field itself is collapsing…idk how to describe it…if I was doing global grid work I would say timelines were absorbed by magnetics in the timeline or maybe erased.


Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers out there and to our beautiful Mother Earth. After all, let’s not forget,that’s why the cleanup crew is here.

Indeed it is.

In Light and Love and Joyful Service,


join me on my YouTube page😘

My Eclipse Experience

Hello everyone!💕

I made a video on my eclipse experience And have posted it to my you tube channel. It was pretty amazing. Everything has shifted energetically within me and I wanted to share it with you.

Hope you enjoy it!

This is our season now.

Can you feel the shift? Don’t worry if you cannot feel it yet, you will.

Everything is divinely perfect.

I send my love to all.❤️

In Light and Love and Joyful Service,


The Solar Eclipse

The Path of Totality of this Eclipse is over my home today.

This is what I am doing to assist the collective today, and how I understand this celestial PURGE will shift the consciousness of our reality and collapse non- viable timelines.

Think the highest possible thoughts, be absolutely aware of WHO you are WITHIN, not the roles played on this earth.

Do not give away your power.

The black sun, combined with the “Devil’s Comet”, is a cosmic synergy which together will ,from a consciousness perspective, draw out the dark consciousness magnetically through the sun portal out into the cosmos, so it can be dispersed and drawn out from our enclosed system.

And from each individual, from their consciousness as well.

These cosmic systems are set in place as a pressure valve, to align collective consciousness, and to RESET consciousness.


There is nothing that can be done, just as Steiner stated, a magnet will draw metal to it, the metal is just along for the ride…

The dark will be drawn to the dark…

Do not give in to any fear or b.s.

It’s all illusion used against us using predictive programming, instilling fear of the unknown to control the masses.

But in truth, the controllers are the ones in fear, for they know NOTHING can be done to stop earth’s ascension.

These energies have already been affecting the earth grids, as seen by the earthquakes and such, and will continue to do so.

As each soul is affected by this, remember that the human race chose on 12/21/12 to ascend with ease and race, it is a gradual process, a shift done too quickly can drive humans to “lunacy” as we previously experienced in the past reset in the late 1800’s, hence all the insane asylums.

So here today, we stand at the precipice.

The bifurcation of ascension and descension timelines will occur, as the negative forces will be drawn out through the black sun portal, leaving behind a void which must match the new frequency of consciousness of each individual.

How that is “filled” is different for all, as each soul is here to experience their own reality, which cannot be controlled by outside forces.

So this 4/8/2024 portal, numerically is 22/2222/20222…20.

Partnership with SOURCE.

So yes, this is HUGE.

And we are ready.

From here on out, massive changes will happen quickly, as not only are the high level dark entities being given a chance to shift, but also because The Walk-Ins are at the portals waiting to enter the new earth reality.

Out with the dark, in with the light.

At the moment of totality I will be in meditation, fully open to it all, so I can send out the cosmos A blast of Love.


Every thing is divinely perfect, Man Plans, God Laughs they say…

So I will be laughing along with creation.

No fear.

I will check in with all tomorrow, let you know what I experienced.

I love you.

In Light and Love and Joyful Service,


P.S. Thank you Rudolph!

Message me if you are interested in a private activation session.😘

Merry Christmas! A song for YOU❤️🤣🌟🎄

May The Spirit Of Christmas fill you with Peace and Love❤️

And may it give you COURAGE to do the things you were told you could NOT do!

Here is my song for you! ‘cause I luff ya.

Laughter is the best medicine!🤣❣️🤣

Kicked out of choir…I have overcome the embarrassment! Lolol🤣🤣🤣🤣

In Love and Light and Joyful Service,


2022 is GOING TO BE AMAZEBALLS!!!!!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🌎🌈🌟❣️

Today’s Energy Report-Part 2- Astrological Ascension and The Release of UnRequited Love Contracts

This message is timeless, if it has reached you, divine orchestration is at play.

Follow Your Heart❤️Shine Your Light🌟Walk your Path

In Light and Love and Joyful Service,


Today’s Energy Report- Possibilities and Options, Rebirth

In Light and Love and Joyful Service,


Join me in my YouTube channel🌟😘

Thank you for your love and support, I send my Love to All.💕

Today’s Energy Report-Part 1-Solar Flares, Divine Purpose Timelines

In Light and Love and Joyful Service,


Join me in my YouTube channel🌟😘

Thank you for your love and support, I send my Love to All.💕

Today’s Soulogy Show❤️5/5/5@5Today’s Soulogy Show❤️5/5/5


Join Us! Andale, Andale, Andale!

Happy CINCO!5/5/5@5for5d news!

I can’t wait!❤️

I LOVE U guys!

In Light and Love and Joyful Service,



SoulSpeaks 5D 5/5/5@5❤️

I am SO EXCITED to share THIS AWESOME NEWS! Thank you Todd Medina and Morgan Lee you guys are amazing!❤️

I have great new tools and downloads to share and have been waiting till THIS show!

PRAYER DAY begins at midnight AND CINCO DE MAYO!!💝

5/5/5@5!…5555 with prayers and tequila day combined…Join Us please.

Its going to be MUY BUENO lol.

I love You guys so much.💕

I love you my vibe tribe, thank you for the prayers, send me love and light, I will send it right back💕

In Light and Love and Joyful Service,

M.😘 is my new email for whatever🌟

Quantum Supremacy Achieved.

Bifurcation of DM/DM quantum entanglement has finalized.

Quantum Supremacy achieved through timeline bifurcations.

False Entities\Identities revealed.

Bifurcation of NAA programs complete.

We are going quantum people, through the Heart Portal as The Divine Feminine/Divine Male Timelines achieve Quantum Supremacy and anchor Hieros-gamos frequencies across all grids.

Galactic female and galactic male chakra system fully anchored into the grids.

Ascension symptoms include lidar/sonar/radar activations for 5D.

Keep checking here for updates.

StarSeeds. You. know.

All walkins are ready.

Time to GLOW.❤️❤️❤️👽🌟

ET phone home.





Karma/Dharma Bifurcation complete.

In Light and Love and Joyful Service,



p.s. My stalker was in my actual home.

NEXT to me…


Idiot though I didn’t know who he was…that by being next to me I saw everyone in his energy, I Flashed the SH🧻T out of him and finally saw ALL the ones involved in my targeting.

I am in a safe house now.

Thank you for your prayers my heart family.

I love you.