Connecting to The Earth Star Chakra during earth changes

I am in incredible gratitude that the tornado storm yesterday did not affect my home grids.

The storm literally jumped over my area.

Truth be told the wobble was so large that I had a 50/50 chance of holding the space.

I mean Mother turned BLACK and the birds and animals around me disappeared…you know what that means…(Run Forest, RUN!)

I grew up in Texas, so tornadoes are very real to me, yesterday it felt like I had ten or twenty of them, like a wall, heading for me.

(Flashbacks of St. Vincent de Paul in Houston, school corridor, sitting against the wall with arms around head….while the sky outside is GREEN.)

This was heading Right for me And my grids.

I felt like a cat on a hot tin roof, holy smokes it was hard to balance and stay heart centered…but somehow I did (thank you my Creator.)

Today the sun is out and all is beautiful.

I send my love to all affected by these storms who are having to clean up. May miracles and blessings help you to rebuild..

This was a huge spiritual initiation for me.

I have been off grid as I finally end some dark personal issues From my unawakened past, and align to my “vibe tribe”.

The Earth Star Chakra was so strong that I KNEW…what was coming…the possible two timelines…the conscious anchoring of the light to raise the frequency of my leylines so it would not be destructive…what to do…to say a fire was lit under my butt is an understatement. 😳

…not gonna lie, it IS an awesome feeling to connect to the earth star chakra…you see everything…

Mother tells me where to go, I GO.

Mother tells me not to go, I DON’T.

GOD I LOVE MY JOB❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Easy Peacey, lemon squeezey.🌟

Language of Light Upgrades continue as the new “manual” for gridwork begins to download in the northern hemisphere in preparation for the spring equinox.

As Mother awakens, so will the collective.

Download times for EARTH shamans are 10:10am to 12:12 ( morning time for downloading SUN upgrades and downloads) and 10:10pm to 12:12 (for STAR shamans to anchor the NIGHT GALACTIC upgrades and downloads so you can find you “space Fam👽😂)

Be aware that all lightworkers are becoming HYBRIDS first.

Half Human/ Half Galactic DNA.

(I am a Hybrid StarSeed soul, Arcturian / Andromedan. AA. Blue Ray Family. )

We are all carrying out double missions As the new earth consciousness anchors to the grids, awakening the Christ Consciousness Within The Heart of All who have chosen to experience this christEd timeline.

Our Human consciousness is ascending, Our Galactic Higher Self is Descending.

We meet ourselves in 5D.

So we carry out our lightworker mission and our StarSeed mission both, depending the dimension in which we are needed in service.

Double missions for the new galactic ambassadors…❤️

GRIDS must be mastered for this.

The circular earth grids(3D)for boots on the ground and physical travel to energetically repairs grids AND the triangular space grids(4D) to repair portals and matrix stuff, WHILE FULLY ANCHORED TO 5D, the dimension of PEACE and SERVICE.

We are spiritual beings having a physical MULTIDIMENSIONAL experience.

This is the GIFT MOTHER EARTH offers all souls, so when she calls, we ALL come home.

Thank you guys for all your prayers. You are so powerful in your sacred intent, it is amazing.

I needed them big time.



Expect the unexpected.


Everything is divinely perfect.

Upwards and Outwards.

Inwards and Out.

The only way out is IN.

Follow Your Heart❤️Shine Your Light

In Light and Love and Joyful Service,


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