Q”TIP and Energy Report⚛️*Let Go*

“Q”TIP and Energy Report⚛️Let Go- 5/17/2019
Intense Ascension symptoms being felt by all as the incoming Source Waves are slamming into the Ionosphere and reverberating across all consciousness grids.
I feel a secondary plasma Wave within the First Wave…seems to be affecting my third eye area specifically…feels like my third eye is drying up…like the muscles are being overworked.
Energy Frequency is aligning to the first 4D chakra system, affecting teeth, ears and nose.
If the tip of your tongue is sore, it means your chakra is expanding btw. Try not to kiss too passionately lol!
If you taste metal, your pineal gland is quickly decalcyfying, drink tons of water, and add at least 1000mg of extra vitamin C to support your immune system. (preferably 2000 if you can swing it)
couple of shots of apple cider vinegar with the mother, for your kidneys and liver.
If your are being affected by headaches, it helps me to get in a bath and get hot water on back of my neck, our reptilian brain is upgrading, heat allows for blood flow and seems to help.
Eye sensitivity can be extreme- I do sometimes even have to wear glasses inside because my eyes are so sensitive.
The higher the dimension, the worse your human eyesight.
The Higher D’s are not Seen as linear.
You might want to cut back on coffee until this wave passes, but each person is different of course, that is how my body reacted in the past.
Also goody powder Was the only headache med I could take.

If you feel lightheaded, like you are spiraling UP- that’s the lighbody process- your vibration is rising too fast- eat something like nuts-drink water and go outside to ground.
If you begin to burn up- thats the Phoenix process, it helps to put your hands over your heart, breathe,and tell your Body to calm. Splash water on you and drink water too.
Lightbody is mind- Phoenix is body.
As you begin to fully anchor to the new grids, pay attention to your breath. You should find yourself able to breathe, the anxiety calming.

The QJ process takes 3 days.
Your Body Intelligence will guide you. Listen closely- meditate and slow down, remember no one knows how to bring you down on your knees in front of your toilet better than your own body self.(good luck trying to win that battle though…🌟hehehe)
Love Yourself, rest, and honor your divine vessel.
At first you will notice your diet is basic- for me only white foods it seems and a little egg. I am mostly a juicer now but that can quickly change as ascension continues.

gotta go.
I am going fishing.
Love you guys- thank you for all your immense love and support for me through my past dark night.
I am forever grateful.
The Scorpio moon tomorrow night will bring out very intense energies, let’s ground them into the Ley Lines and let them affect the grids and clear away from the people shall we?

The Human Race has chosen to ascend with ease and grace.
And So it is.

Gridworkers- 3 Spiritual Spa days for Us- honor your body- go within, play, create and feel the new world awakening.
Time to ride the Divine Wave❤️
We are all riding the wave, everything is Divinely Perfect.
Massive Disclosure is occurring throughout the world now, we have prepared for Disclosure and it is here.
Our job is to transmute everything to Peace.
If you trigger, forgive and keep going. If you cannot forgive, forgive yourself for being unable to do it today, and keep going.
Just keep swimming, keep swimming.
We need to hold the space in our hearts as truth is revealed, and know that everything is exactly as It should be.
Just a little bumpy right now, that’s all.

In Light and Love and Joyful Service.

14 thoughts on “Q”TIP and Energy Report⚛️*Let Go*

  1. Post Full Moon of Taurus

    The Full Moon of Taurus with Venus conjunct Uranus has brought in new ascended chakras in the lightbody, and upgraded the grid to allow them to function.

    This is a unified system of ascended life and living for everyone who is choosing it. And it will make the planet much more unified and positive.


    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: PS 5-19-19 *Intentions, *BossMonster, Harrison, Wilcock, LightLover, Predictions, Cobra – Love Across The Veil: Paul & Sylvia's Blog

    • Hi guys! Omg loved your sharing! Yes, yes yes. Goodness how you two shine. Thank you for sharing my work 😘❤️😇🌟 The Rainbow Bridge is fully anchored and available to All now- 2020 ascension timeline is wide OPEN for us to step into the new earth. 🌟👍⚛️we’ve all gone Quantum!


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