The Arcturians and the Team~ Navigating Higher Dimensional Grids-December 9, 2015.

The Arcturians and the Team~
Navigating Higher Dimensional Grids-December 9, 2015.

This next step in the Journey of Remembering is about fully stepping into your multidimensional Self.
Quantum jumping.
Accessing all multidimensional tools.
Unifying with your Angelic Self.

There is no longer a need to look at what was left behind,(3d),as you fully step into the unknown.

As you further expand into your Hearts and Remember, you constantly continue on the spiral of ascension into higher inner vibrational grids of Creation.
Each one a finer system of discernment, the ultimate goal to further connect in Oneness with Source, while experiencing individual physicality.

Each grid further assimilates integration within each soul and brings it closer to Oneness of Self.
ALL are Source expressing SELF in physicality.

Everything created is from Source Energy and Frequency.

Grids are a created frequency blueprint experience of oversouls.
These further separate into the lower dimensions as individual soul experiences, while simultaneously separating into Ray Families and Gender(and much more duality) in the the lower dimensional consciousness.

1d can be seen as most separate density, that of rocks and crystals and the elements(for example).
2d can be seen as Plants and Animals consciousness frequency, overlaying 1d.
Both are in Oneness with Source and are constantly connected to the Divine Blueprint of this Source Creation through their Heart to the Soul Gaia, the oversoul of ALL that wish to experience Earth.

The Divine Original Source Thought for this Earth Creation is written at the highest frequency, that of Unconditional Source Love, this is the Divine Blueprint.
It is this Divine Blueprint UPON which dimensional frequency holograms are created and overlay allowing for further frequency separation as matrices within matrices.

These matrices are CoCreated by souls and become timelines.
They begin as a collective frequency band.
Imagine a funnel, beginning very broad and narrowing up to an apex.
Timelines are massive and break down to further separation, down to an individual soul’s timeline.

Countries are timelines(massive frequency bandwidths with many souls of matching frequency), which further separate into…(as an example), states, cities,towns, neighborhoods,streets,houses,family,Self.

As each soul reaches further Within and connects to their Heart and clears density, they begin to access Higher vibrational inner Grids, with Higher outside vibrational timelines accessible to match inner frequency.

This is quantum jumping.
Conscious movement through timelines using inner discernment, to cocreate and anchor accessible 5d(and higher) timelines.

One also begins the process of “Boots on the Ground”.
The finishing of clearing Ley Lines and grids which have been manipulated and reversed, using blood sacrifices and wars to trap souls and keep them in karmic loops in specific timelines.
This is work done by wayshowers as well at multidimensional levels.

The Planet has a chakra system in place which ascends and descends, and it moves as the frequency(consciousness) of the planet changes.
It keeps expanding and evolving with all races incarnated on the planet.

It is currently moving from the Tibet area and the old patriarchal religious systems to a heart balanced divine masculine/ divine feminine system in the “spine” of the Americas.
This shift was geoeffective, the final collapse of the Tibetan timeline geoeffectively manifested as a massive earthquake as all trapped souls in Ley lines were released.

The World’s Kundalini moves like a snake.
It ascends and descends as per the 7 Hermetic Principles which govern this Creation.

As it does it clears Ley lines and grid lines and collapses All experiences from the previous era.
It is also Geo effective.

This is why Wayshowers “ground” the Light.
So that these Divine energetic waves which are shifting the consciousness of the planet occur with ease and grace.

It does not have to be catastrophic.
That timeline has often been experienced by the Hyperboreans Race, the Lemurians Race, the Atlantean Race, endless other races.
It does not have to continue in a loop in this Now.

Certain areas of the world are kept in war and death and disease so that the global chakras of the area remain blocked, keeping “Huemans” from ascending back to their Divine Blueprint.
This is lower consciousness thought and interference.

Such as the Middle East Timelines which harness the lowest emotional energy of war and death and pain to Off World Multidimensional Beings.
They use the trapped soul energy as “food”.
This is also done through controlling specific 3d bloodlines through “family ancestry” and “family ties”.
These ancestral timelines are being collapsed as more souls awaken and collapse individual soul fragment timelines.
(Individual timelines cocreate a massive timeline, an era.)

These timelines are collapsing as the warring mentality is collapsing, as the consciousness of the planet rises.
As higher vibrational souls no longer choose war, more and more level up to the frequency and join in bringing forth global peace.
No longer giving ANY energy to lower vibrational timelines.

The Expansion of the World’s Heart cannot be stopped by anything or anyone.
Source is constant Creation and expansion.

MANY forerunners are Now fully anchored into 5d and higher, co creating timelines which expand multidimensionally and become accessible to all souls who wish to experience ascension from the 3d matrix.

Reaching and anchoring 5d has been the one of the mission purposes of soul volunteers.
Many will now move forward and return to their original timelines and worlds.

Some will leave, yet their bodies have made the DNA shift, and WalkIns who do not wish to experience childhood will join in the next part of the mission:

Self Disclosure of ALL galactic races incarnated as “Huemans”.
A shift to a global galactic unity consciousness with ease and grace.
Earth becoming a galactic citizen.
The evolution of a prison planet.

NOW the time for ALL galactic ambassadors to begin disclosure of their galactic heritage.

This is the next step in global disclosure without the experience of fear.

Our Light Families do not wish to give any energy to the lower dimensions, or cause fear with disclosure.

It occurs personally first, one on one with individual teams.

If there is fear in the encounter, then it is not an ascension team which is contacting you.

Discernment is key.

Accessing the Seraphim Grid has made this timeline of galactic unity an option for all that wish to experience it.

This Golden Seraphim Light Grid is of Angelic Divine Frequency.
Remembering of Angelic Self and Being MultiDimensional.
Connecting to your angelic Self.
Connecting to the Angelic oversoul.

It is also a unity timeline.
Flames and Twins and Ray Families NOW create unification experience timelines as there is no longer is a need for a “twin” or “flame” to stay behind in the higher dimensions to guide the other in the lower separation dimensions.

This IS the higher dimension, therefore once reached by each individual soul, Oneness with other aspects of Self occurs.
Twins come together and experience Hieros gamos.
Many will be walkins, as they do not wish for the limitation experience of 3d childhood.
This experience of separation is no longer in 3d, and no longer desired by the “Divine Masculine” and “Divine Feminine” oversouls unified in the Seraphim Grid.

The “Angelic” oversoul is expressed in many dimensions and realms for it is the Original Divine Thought of “Angelic”, and everything created from the Heart of Source that is the Essence of Angelic.

It separates Self into ALL RACES wishing to experience the “angelic consciousness”(frequency).

For example, an Angelic Dragon,(all races can be seen from the perspective of an oversoul ), can be an experience of the Angelic oversoul further separating into a Dragon oversoul, as it continues separation into the lower dimensions across all desired realms.
Same as a Pleaidian, Orion, Andromedan, Syrian, Lyran…endless galactic races, at different frequencies(timelines)all experiencing incarnation and multidimensionality in the the Milky Way Galaxy.(galactic timeline).

ALL that can be SEEN, is part of this galactic timeline.
If we are conscious of it, it exists somewhere,somehow.

Simultaneously the oversoul also breaks down into duality of “light” and “dark”, as well into gender.

Oversoul Guides are available for ALL in this Now.
It is their heartfilled wish to pass on this message.
They are the new Team Guides in this new higher vibrational grid, if called Upon from Within to meet in the Heart, they do so in joyful service, walking The Law of One.

This higher vibrational grid can be seen as being “upside down” from the 3d.
Everything works differently.
If things are not manifested from the Heart, they will manifest yet will fall apart, badly and quickly.

Only manifestations for the Highest Good of All can anchor into this Angelic Grid.

The process is guided completely from the Heart.
Once created in the Heart, it cannot be controlled.
Manifestations can no longer be created if coming from the lower consciousness of “ego”.
It has to unfold, without self interference.
The OUTCOME of the manifestation MUST be released.

This is what it means to WALK IN SERVICE.
We choose the experience, yet we release the HOW of the experience.
We don’t get to choose, our human consciousness cannot begin to comprehend the unfolding of the Divine Plan.
Yet by releasing all outcome, the choice is made by us.
We then become vessels of The Light and Within The Flow.
One must let go of ALL which one is the MOST afraid to Lose.

One must jump off the cliff WITHOUT seeing what’s ahead, in faith the the universe will provide all creations from the Heart.

The 3d matrix is a linear matrix.
Therefore it can be folded through magnetic portals to allow for such things as time travel and teleportation.
These portals can be felt initially, yet further in self evolution, they can eventually be seen with an opened Third Eye.
From there further understanding of movement across grids is accessed when said matching frequency is accessed.

Manifestations in 3d matrix can be manipulated,interfered and created with linear repetition and mental processes.
It is manipulated and controlled by electrical thoughts and currents and through alien technology, and reversal of energies through Key Ley lines.
Keeping souls in a karmic loop, draining their Life Source, until Sovereignty is remembered by each individual soul, and ascension out of the 3d matrix is achieved.

THE only way to access the Seraphim Light Grid is by releasing everything that is human and staying in the Heart.
ALL human programming.
This is not the 3d matrix, a human hologram.
Those are the immersion separation matrices to allow Source to experience BEing Human.

For how can Source experience 1d,2d, 3d… if it keeps remembering it is Source?
It can’t.
Total immersion is the only way.

The Seraphim Light Grid is accessible to the new evolved “hueman”.
Humans who have healed and unified their spliced DNA by doing the inner work necessary to raise their frequency to align with the portal of this 5D Grid.
It is accessible by frequency only, as are ALL grids, portals and vortexes.

Returning to inner Divine Blueprint is the only frequency alignment.

The Divine Blueprint of the Angelic “Hueman” was interfered with by outside Galactic Races to assist in descension of the race from “hueman”to “human”.

Master geneticists.

It is NOT human evolution from PRIMATES as history is told.

It is DNA interference by splicing of primate DNA and angelic DNA to lower the “hueman” consciousness to “human”, so descension was possible.

It was a choice made by the Hueman Race.

The Bipedal Divine Hueman Blueprint was hybridized with the lower genetic species of the “primates”, to lower the DNA potential to block multidimensional dimensions.
DNA from a lower consciousness species was spliced to create a 3d “human” which could be controlled and manipulated by service to self multidimensional entities of the 3D.
Descension through genetic splicing to experience 3d earth.
Just as the human species was genetically spliced, so have infinite species,not just bipedal, not just Huemans, but endless ascension and descension experiences by infinite galactic races genetically modifying themselves to experience this Living Library, the Earth Creation.

The Seraphim Grid is 5d.
Lower levels of consciousness cannot vibrationally access this grid.
Vibrationally it is no longer accessible.

This is the Dimension you have left behind, 3d, as you are reading this message in self affirmation, the answer is “yes, you have.”
Just have to “catch up” to it.
You have ascended, your outside reality will soon mirror your inside Self.
Which is Love.
For Love is All There Is.
(Inner grids always mirror outer grids.)

A new Era is beginning.
An Era of World Peace and Oneness.
A brand new creation.

Open Your Hearts and say, “Yes, I am Open To Love.”
Then Let it ALL Go.
And watch as miracles become an everyday experience when You walk the earth as the Angelic Hueman You had forgotten You ARE.
It’s time to come out from being a hermit.
To explore and remember a you which you had forgotten.
To walk in “your” heaven, which has always been here for you, waiting for you to remember.
Where we walk with you.

We are the Arcturians and our Teams.
We are You.
You are Us.
We are One.

Call upon us any time your Heart connects to us.
Our Love for you has no words.
Feel us in Your Heart as we feel you in ours.
We assist in remembering The Language of Light.
It brings us incredible joy.

****From the Arcturian Aspect of Myself, Ariam, I bring you ALL Blessings.

In deep gratitude and In Service from my Heart.
I share my Heart and Love with ALL.****

Follow Your Heart❤️Shine Your Light


****Thank You so much if you choose to share my message, but please due so in its entirety and with credit back to my personal site as it is copyrighted. Namaste.****

13 thoughts on “The Arcturians and the Team~ Navigating Higher Dimensional Grids-December 9, 2015.

  1. Thank you, Maria, the Arcturians and Team, a beautiful message, it is song of love, a song of soul, and a song of Gaia and it rings out into the One of All That Is. We are here, we are awake, and we love.

    Liked by 1 person

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  6. Pingback: TiAmAt: sharing3 – K+_Who Is Really in Charge of This Planet?- Dialectics of Life – Navigating Higher Dimensional Grids | obassi2011

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